What Can I Take Instead of Miralax

30+ Alternatives to Miralax - Miralax is not recommended for use for more than 7 days and contains polyethylene glycol which kills off gut bacteria. There are many safe and effective alternatives for immediate relief from constipation #Constipation #ConstipationRelief #Miralax NaturalConstipationSolutions.com

30+ Alternatives to Miralax

30+ Safe and Effective Alternatives to Miralax

There are many safe and effective alternatives to Miralax.  There is an epidemic of constipation. Estimates are between 5 and 30% of the population are dealing with occasional or chronic constipation.  Often when you talk to your doctor your constipation, they will tell you that Miralax is the only option or the best option.  Over 25,000 adverse effects and 160 deaths have been reported to the FDA for Polyethylene Glycol, the only ingredient in Miralax.  I do not recommend giving Miralax to anyone, child or adult.

(Update: As of September 2020 there have been over 36,000 reports of adverse events related to Miralax to the FDA.  For more information you can watch this video:

Miralax Side Effects 30+ Alternatives to Miralax - Miralax is not recommended for use for more than 7 days and contains polyethylene glycol which kills off gut bacteria. There are many safe and effective alternatives for immediate relief from constipation #Constipation #ConstipationRelief #Miralax NaturalConstipationSolutions.com

Is Miralax Safe?

My son was put on Miralax by his Pediatric Gastroenterologist and was on it for over a year.  He suffered terrible side effects including Tics, Anxiety, OCD, Panic Attacks, Night Terrors, Speech Issues, Learning Delays. When I took him off of Miralax, these issues improved and then when he was given Miralax again, the side effects came roaring back full force. It was a very clear cause and effect.   Seeing so many children who have had similar stories as my son, led me to start this website to try to help families find safe and effective ways to help their children who are suffering from constipation and avoid the toxic band-aid of Miralax.  For more information on Miralax safety in children, please read this article:  Is Miralax Safe to Give to My Child?

I have compiled a list of 30+ things that people have had success using to help them with their constipation issues.  I always think that you will have more success in ending your constipation once you Find the Root Cause of the Constipation. (This article will help you do that)  But until you find the root cause, this list will give you some great ideas to try.  The list includes Amazon/iHerb Affiliate links so you can click on them to check the price on Amazon. I know that when you have been struggling with constipation for a long time, you have tried a lot of products and it can get expensive so price does matter in what you can afford to try.

Alternatives to Miralax

  1.  Natural Calm Magnesium Citrate (iHerb Link) Magnesium is one of the quickest and most effective ways to have a bowel movement.  Magnesium is the fifth most common mineral in your body and many of us are deficient. Magnesium Citrate isn't very well absorbed by the body so it works quickly to produce a bowel movement.  The body basically poops out the magnesium citrate that it can't absorb.  This is reaching bowel tolernace. For more information on bowel tolerance, what it is, and what you need to do to get there, watch my video on bowel tolerance on YouTube. Make sure you activate the Calm by adding hot water. Then you can add ice, make a slushee, add it to juice etc.  Magnesium is citrate is what was prescribed for constipation and clean outs prior to Miralax being invented.  For more information on Magnesium, here's a link to my article  Magnesium and Constipation.
  2. Ex-Lax Chocolate Squares (Amazon link)are made with Senna. Senna causes the intestines to contract. This product works well if you have motility issues or are struggling to push out the stool.  But it can also cause cramping, so that is something to be aware of if you get cramping after taking it.  It also has sugar and dairy in it, so if you are avoiding those things, this might not be the best option for you.
  3. Homemade Electrolyte Drink for Constipation Many readers have reported wonderful success using this recipe for a natural and safe electrolyte drink.
  4. Organic Grape Juice (Amazon)can work for some people. If you have fructose intolerant then the juice isn't a great choice and can cause more gastro problems but for mild constipation, the juice will help you go.
  5. Buffered Vitamin C (iHerb)When you get too much Vitamin C your body expels the excess similar to how it does with Magnesium.  You can mix this with water or mix it with a little bit of water and then mix that in with your favorite juice.
  6. Water!  I know that this can be a challenge to drink a lot of water but being dehydrated can cause constipation. Herbal teas like this Organic Peppermint Tea, (iHerb) which counts towards water drinking, or I will make a slushee in my Vitamix (Amazon) using a tray of ice, the juice of a lime and a tsp of Organic Sugar. (iHerb)  I also make infused lemon or fruit water in a Glass or Stainless Water Bottle with Infuser.  Even Ice Pops made with organic juice or homemade lemonade counts. Of course, nothing with caffeine counts towards your water intake and sodas do not count.
  7. An Enema can really help when there is large, hard stool in the colon.  It is never fun to have to do an enema but it can break up the stool and make it easier to pass.  If you are impacted, then a top down-bottom up approach can be really really helpful.
  8. Glycerin Suppositories work similarly to an enema but use glycerin to lubricate the poop to help it come out without causing pain. They aren't going to go as deep so might be easier for you to do, but they also won't break up a large hard stool as well as an enema. For more information on enemas and suppositories, please read my article Stress-Free​ Suppository and Enema use for Constipation Relief for Your Child
  9. Many readers have had a lot of success with the supplement Restore (Restore4life.com).  This isn't usually a short-term fix for constipation but a long-term solution to heal the gut.  This was the magic bullet for my husband who has Crohn's and my son who has struggled with constipation and gut issues from birth.  Here is a link to my articles on our experiences with Restore.  Restore for Constipation in Children and Healing the Gut  or Restore helps Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  10. Milk of Magnesia (Amazon) can help short term.  Be careful to read all ingredients as many versions contain sodium hypochlorite which is basically bleach and should be avoided at all costs.  Milk of Magnesia also is an antacid and we need acid in our stomach to digest food properly.  When we use an antacid to lower the acid due to heartburn or reflux, it can actually cause constipation.  So I would save this for occasional use and not count on it for long-term use.
  11. Eliminating dairy.  This can be a hard thing to imagine doing,  but dairy causes a lot of constipation issues for many many people.    If you drink cow's milk there are a lot of non-dairy milk alternatives at just about every grocery store.  Make sure to get one without carrageenan as it can cause gastrointestinal issues.  Almond, cashew, coconut milk and hemp milk are all good alternatives.   I would avoid soy as it can have an estrogenic effect and may contribute to hormone issues and need to be avoided if you have experienced estrogen receptive breast cancer unless directed by your doctor. For more information on Dairy and constipation, please read my article Is Dairy Causing Your Constipation?
  12. Organic Epsom Salt used either in a bath or orally, can have a laxative effect on you. Epsom salt by mouth was used by generations as a laxative. It has the added benefit of sulfur being magnesium sulfate which your body needs to heal and detoxify.  Add two cups to your bath or use my Home Made Electrolyte Drink Recipe are good ways to use Epsom salts for constipation.
  13. Going Gluten Free.  No one really wants to go gluten-free, but many people react to gluten with either diarrhea or constipation.  Thankfully there are so many really tasty gluten-free options out there now that is is much easier to be gluten-free than it was 10 years ago when my son was diagnosed with Celiac disease and 7 years ago when my husband and I went gluten-free.  Even if you aren't celiac, you can still be gluten intolerant.  Wheat has been bred to have larger heads with more protein.  Not everyone can digest it.  Much of the wheat in America is sprayed with glyphosate to dry the heads out and increase yield. This can cause gut issues when you eat it.  Anyone with any autoimmune diseases needs to be gluten-free.  If you are interested in learning more about gluten and if it could be causing your constipation, please read my article Is Gluten Causing Your Constipation? We have found really flavorful, healthy gluten-free options like Pamela's Baking Mix which is like Bisquick.  You can make pancakes, waffles, muffins and other things with it.  We also like Nut Thins Crackers, Snyder's Gluten Free Pretzels, and Kind Bars.  Overall we try to eat mostly whole foods and avoid too many processed ones.
  14. Organic Coconut Oil (iHerb) is a wonderful thing for lubricating the stool in the intestines and making it softer. For more information on Coconut oil and a full recipe for the coconut oil candy, read this article: Chocolate Coconut Oil Poop Candy For Constipation Relief
  15. MCT Oil (iHerb) is another option.  It is a more highly processed coconut oil product.  Generally, I try to use the least processed versions of things but the advantage that MCT oil has is that it stays liquid when it is cold.  So if you want to add it to a smoothy or use it in salad dressing or dips, it will work really well
  16. Prune Puree pouches or Organic Prune Juice are both good options to try. Moms and grandmas have been using prunes and prune juice to get their family to have a bowel movement for generations.  If you have a hard time with fructose or fruit causes you to develop gas, then this might not be the best option but it is an inexpensive and tasty option.
  17. Positioning when trying to pass a stool can make a huge difference.  We are built to dedicate squatting but with the addition of toilets, we started to poop sitting. This causes kinks in our intestines and makes it hard for the poop to slide through and out.  A Squatty Potty is a stool that raises your legs up and your knees above your hips to replicate the position of squatting on the ground.  This can make a huge difference.
  18. Kefir is a dairy-based drink that is fermented so it has good gut bacteria.  You can also make your own Water Kefir with Kefir Water Grains.   This is a great option if you are avoiding dairy and is fizzy, like soda.
  19. Mag O7 (iHerb) is a high dose magnesium oxide product.  Once again, magnesium oxide works as an antacid so is only recommended for short-term use.
  20. Aloe works great as a laxative and also helps to heal the gut.  George's Aloe Juice (Amazon) is a good option because they have removed the part of the aloe plant that makes the juice bitter so this is very mild tasting and easy to drink.  Nature's Way Aloe juice or  Aloe Pills (iHerb) are also excellent ways to get aloe into your gut.
  21. Magnesium Malate is an excellent form of Magnesium and works really well to correct a magnesium deficiency.  It isn't necessarily as fast acting as magnesium citrate for producing a bowel movement for it can do that as well and is well absorbed by the body. This is a good long-term magnesium supplement. Source Naturals Magnesium Malate from iHerb is a good option. If you are looking for a magnesium malate supplement that isn't a pill, iHerb has Nature's Answer liquid Magnesium Malate/Glycinate that is a tangerine flavored liquid.
  22. Flaxseed oil really helps to soften stools and lubricate the intestines but it can also have a not very good taste.  Barlean's Flax Seed Oil (Amazon) comes in flavors like  Strawberry Banana or Blackberry. It does contain Xantham Gum and Guar Gum which can cause gastric upset in some people and some other ingredients that aren't as clean as I usually would want but it is still can be a helpful product.
  23. Chia Seeds (iHerb) are a great source of soluble fiber, Omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.  Chia seeds are a great food on their own and work really well to help with constipation.  When chia seeds absorb liquids they for a gel.  This gel helps the stool to stay soft and hydrated and the fiber helps the stool to pass through the bowels  You can make your own chia pudding or chia gel, or add them to smoothies or sprinkle them on just about anything.  Pinterest has a ton of chia recipes.  Or you can buy a product like Mamma Chia Squeeze Pouches. These are easy to take with you when you are on the go.  For a tasty recipe for Chia Seed Pudding, click on this article: Will Fiber help my Constipated Child?
  24. Concentrace (iHerb) is a multi-mineral product from the Great Salt Lake.  It has magnesium and salt so it will have a salty taste to it.  You can use it in food or drinks.  It would work in OJ or another strong flavored juice or in soups and other salty foods.  You will need to experiment to see how much you need to get a bowel movement.
  25. Castor oil has been used for many generations as a laxative. Taking castor oil by mouth is pretty icky but you can add it to OJ or just bite the bullet and take it by mouth. Castor Oil packs can work great for constipation and are easy to do. Get an un-dyed cotton flannel or wool cloth and saturate it with an organic, cold pressed, hexane free Castor Oil. (iHerb) Cover the cloth with plastic wrap (to prevent the castor oil from staining anything it comes in contact with) and a hot water bottle, rice heating pad or electric heating pad.  Rest with this on your stomach for an hour.  You can reuse the castor oil pack many times. I store mine in a ball jar in between uses. It may take multiple uses before you get a bowel movement. You can use it multiple times a week.
  26. Smooth Move Senna Tea (iHerb)is good if there are motility issues. It can cause cramping but that might be exactly what you need if you don't experience the urge to go or have motility issues.  You can get plain flavored or peppermint or chamomile flavored depending on what you would like.  Traditional Medicinals is organic and filled with tasty herbs that help with constipation. For more information on Senna check out my YouTube video here:
  27. Coconut Water (Amazon)is very hydrating, has a lot of electrolytes and minerals and is a natural laxative.  It is high in dietary fiber and rich in enzymes.  This is a really good choice to try for constipation and many people love the taste.
  28. VSL#3 is a very high quality probiotic. It is formulated with strains of bacteria that have been studied for gut health, especially for people with IBD, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis and IBS. It is shipped in a cooler with ice packs.  This is my favorite probiotic for gut health and it has been shown to increase butyrate.  PEG damages Butyrate so if you have been on Miralax or other PEG product this might help rebuild the gut flora and increase butyrate.  My husband has taken VSL#3 on and off for years with good success.  Read the following article for more information on VSL#3. Most Effective Probiotics for Constipation Relief***Update**** After years of using VSL#3, my husband has stopped using VSL#3. The manufacturer changed the formula. And while it is now dairy free, which in theory would be better for him, he has found it just doesn't work for him as well as it did before. He is currently using Visbiome with wonderful success. Visbiome is the same as the original formula of VSL#3) (amazon links)
  29. Omniblue Ocean Minerals (Omniblue's website) are a full spectrum mineral supplement with the minerals coming from the ocean near the Great Barrier Reef.  Omniblue is high in magnesium which as I have discussed many times in this list, is great for making soft easy to pass stools.  Many families readers have had great success with Omniblue.  Because it is harvested from the ocean, it has a strong, almost salty taste.  Adding it to salty foods like soup works great.  Some also mix it with juice.  It can be added to hot, even boiled or baked foods or cold foods.
  30. Klaire Labs makes high-quality probiotics with multiple strains of bacteria.  It should ship cold to protect the bacteria, especially in hot weather.  Klaire Labs Ther-Biotic (Amazon) is an excellent choice.
  31. Chiropractic adjustments have helped many people with constipation.  For some, it worked the very first appointment, for others it took a few adjustments to start getting bowel movements.
  32. Some people have had success with Fiber One Brownies. (Amazon) These would not be my first choice as they are highly processed and contain gluten and dairy.  Fiber can help with mild constipation but can make severe constipation worse. If you are impacted then fiber can sit on top of the stool and suck the fluid out of it causing it to be harder and more difficult to pass. Do not use fiber unless you are sure you are not impacted.  For more information on Fiber and fiber options that could, please read this article:  Will Fiber help my Constipation?
  33. Benefiber (Amazon) has helped some people with their constipation.  It is made with wheat dextrin. It has tested at less than 20ppm of gluten but personally, I wouldn't risk it if you are celiac or seriously gluten intolerant.  As with the Fiber One Brownies, you have to be very careful with fiber. I have a YouTube video on Fiber that has more information here:
  34. C-Salts are a form of Vitamin C that is buffered so stomach friendly.  It also has some magnesium and potassium which are helpful for constipation.  This is a powder so you can mix it in water or juice.   It is non-GMO with no fillers.
  35. Coffee!  Coffee can stimulate the movement of the muscles in the colon and can cause peristalsis, the coordinated movement of the muscles in the bowels that causes bowel movements.  Caffeine free coffee works also but not as well as caffeinated.  Making Bulletproof coffee with MCT or Coconut oil works really well for some people with constipation issues.  I would look for an Organic Coffee.   (iHerb)
  36. Organic Pear Juice (Amazon) can have a laxative effect on some people and is tolerated by some people with fructose intolerance who can't tolerate other juices.

I hope this list helps you to help you in your struggle with constipation and finding an alternative to Miralax that works for you.

When your doctor or Gastroenterologist tells you that Miralax is the only option, you will know that there are lots of other things to try. And it might also be time to try to find a new doctor.   Just about everything on this list is a temporary fix.  Long term you need to Find the Root Cause of the Constipation. Once you do that, you can end constipation instead of putting a band-aid on the problem.  For information on lab tests that will help you get to the root cause of your constipation, please read my post Recommended Lab Testing for Chronic Constipation

Tracking your bowel movements can help you to develop a regiment that helps you to find the natural remedy for your constipation.  To get a free bowel movement tracker please click.

Bowel Movement Tracker

For more assistance and support, please join my group, People Against Miralax


Natural Constipation Solutions




This post contains Affiliate Links


Alternatives to Miralax Miralax is not approved for use in children under 17. Over 25,000 reports of adverse events have been reported to the FDA. There are safe and effective alternatives to Miralax for constipation relief in children. #Constipation #ConstipationRelief #Miralax NaturalConstipationSolutions.com

What Can I Take Instead of Miralax

Source: https://naturalconstipationsolutions.com/30-alternatives-to-miralax/

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