Gp Business Solution Package Call Rate

Executive Summery:

GrameenPhone is Bangladesh's leading mobile operator with a customer base of 6.3 million. Among these 1.5 million customers, a small segment is the corporate clients. Even though the segment is very small yet it is a very important one since more than 40% of the revenue if generated from them every month.

GrameenPhone has always thrived to provide newer and better service to its customers. In the process of continuous improvement of its network, it adds more value added services like mobile fax, mobile e-mail, data services, SMS plus and etc. Moreover GrameenPhone always gives special focus to its corporate clients to make them satisfy fully and help them run their business effectively and efficiently by providing them dedicated telecommunication services.

Every businessman wants to earn more profit and run his business efficiently. GrameenPhone understand that passion and by understanding their needs, it designs its products and services. With the major service which is telecommunication, it combines some other related services which are also very much important for running business smoothly. And that's the reason; GrameenPhone successfully earned and holds more than 70% of the total corporate clients.

Origin of the report:

GrameenPhone conducted a survey to understand the nature of corporate segment of    Bangladesh. The survey was conducted on the corporate prospects of visiting different organization. The report represents various features and dimensions of corporate segments. It also reflects various customer preferences of corporate segment.


GrameenPhone (GP) launched its mobile phone services on March 26, 1997 and since then has become the largest mobile phone operator in the country. Its number of subscribers has grown rapidly, as has its coverage throughout the country. The aim of GrameenPhone is to provide affordable mobile telephone facilities in urban and rural areas of the country. As a part of continuous market development strategy, GrameenPhone needs a comprehensive study on the telecom sector and cellular industry that will help in better understanding the industry in which it is operating.

In Bangladesh SME's are gradually improving. And these Organizations mostly use land and mobile phone. They communicate with clients, supplier, business partner and employee working inside or outside of the office.SME's does mainly office based activity and partial field based operations, Field based operations are mainly done through mobiles.

Before starting it can be said that SME's are large customer base market, which is still untouched. And this is the right time to cover the market with GP network- after gathering accurate information. Accordingly, GP is contemplating on commissioning a research that would cover both the telecom sector and cellular industry to identify and analyze the technology, trend, change, growth, market share and competition in the cellular industry.

Problem statement:

At present there are five mobile phone operators and one state-run fixed line operator providing telecommunication service in Bangladesh. Operators have used different strategies to penetrate in to this huge unmet market. Little research study on the telecom sector with particular emphasis on the corporate clients has been carried out so far that can provide substantial market information about this rapidly growing industry. The market intelligence of respective operator companies reaches out to gather relevant information, which remains highly confidential and exclusive from one another. Under the above circumstances, the problem statement would be "GrameenPhone wants to know about the current market scenario and future growth prospect of the corporate clients in the telecom sector of Bangladesh".


The broad and over all objective of this report is to provide with an over view of the learning as an internee at Grameen Phone Ltd.

This report aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

  • To understand their nature of business.
  • To identify the need of the segment.
  • To understand the usage pattern of the segment
  • To understand the Corporate customer's preference
  • To evaluate their satisfaction level

Scope of the study:

This report renders a close analytical look at the corporate sector of Bangladesh with main focus and emphasis on the cellular industry, its growth and development since its inception. It also sheds light on the future outlook of the corporate segment and its growth prospects and potentials. The report is written from the point of view of Grameen Phone, as this report is expected to augment the market intelligence and knowledge base of the Sales and Marketing department of GrameenPhone Ltd.


Type of business research used in this report is of descriptive nature. Through descriptive research this report seeks to determine the answers to who, what, where and how questions of the SME business operations. Secondary data analysis was selected as the basic research method.

Data Collection:

Data for this report has been extracted from primary sources, as the descriptive nature of the study to prepare this report calls in for existing facts and information compilation.

Source of Primary Data:

Majority of the primary data was obtained from the Market survey, information obtained from the Internet, augmented this report to take a comprehensive shape.

Data collection Instrument:

In-depth interviews were conducted with the contact persons from sample 10 Companies to obtain ideas about the market, current happenings, developments, competition, problems, hazards and challenges faced by them in their communication purposes.

Data processing and analysis:

Collected information was processed with the aid of MS Excel computer software. Detailed analysis, working variables, future projections and working definitions are incorporated in the report.

Limitations :

Following are some of the limitations of the study,

  • The study was conducted only within Dhaka Zone.
  • Time and length of the study.
  • Wrong information from the market which sometimes misled the survey.


Corporations are the most common form of business organization, and one which is chartered by a state and given many legal rights as an entity separate from its owners. This form of business is characterized by the limited liability of its owners, the issuance of shares of easily transferable stock, and existence as a going concern. The process of becoming a corporation, call incorporation, gives the company separate legal standing from its owners and protects those owners from being personally liable in the event that the company is sued (a condition known as limited liability). Incorporation also provides companies with a more flexible way to manage their ownership structure. In addition, there are different tax implications for corporations, although these can be both advantageous and disadvantageous. In these respects, corporations differ from sole proprietorships and limited partnerships.

A corporation is a business or organization formed by a group of people, and it has rights and liabilities separate from those of the individuals involved. It may be a nonprofit organization engaged in activities for the public good; a municipal corporation, such as a city or town; or a private corporation (the subject of this article), which has been organized to make a profit.

In the eyes of the law, a corporation has many of the same rights and responsibilities as a person. It may buy, sell, and own property; enter into leases and contracts; and bring lawsuits. It pays taxes. It can be prosecuted and punished (often with fines) if it violates the law. The chief advantages are that it can exist indefinitely, beyond the lifetime of any one member or founder, and that it offers its owners the protection of limited personal liability.

The people who are working at different corporate organizations are the main corporate clients of GrameenPhone. GrameenPhone categorized three major types of corporate clients. These are,

  • Signed Corporate Clients.
  • Potential Corporate Clients.
  • Strategic Clients.

Signed Corporate Clients:

Signed Corporate clients are the clients with whom GrameenPhone have MOU signed or Corporate agreement about providing telecommunication services. These types of clients are enjoying most of the facilities of GrameenPhone. They enjoy monthly line rent weaver, unbar facilities, close user group facilities, international roaming facilities, fax and data services and etc.

Potential Corporate Clients:

These corporate clients are from those companies with whom GrameenPhone do not have any legal agreement or MOU signed to provide telecommunication services, but they are using GrameenPhone's services for their business purpose. These types of clients are also very much important to GrameenPhone because they are potential to be corporate clients and they are still their clients as they are using GrameenPhone's services. They are not provided all the facilities those the signed corporate clients are enjoying, but they are enjoying few facilities which is depending on their mode of operation and market goodwill.

Strategic Clients:

Strategic clients are the clients who work in different governmental offices or at foreign missions like embassy or UN organizations. Almost all the ministries of Bangladesh government are using GrameenPhone's services. More than 90 embassies are also using GrameenPhone's services.

An Overview of the Survey:

Findings:  In this survey GP conducted with the organizations. There is around 44 sample Organizations surveyed, and most of them are private ltd Co.

Type of Business:

Findings: As found in the study the survey is conducted in various type of business, among them manufacturing business is large in number.


Findings: As per the survey it can be seen that as the organization is small, but most   of the organization have more than 25 employees.


Findings:  It has been seen that mostly the mid level employees constitute the organization. It also been proof that the business operation is conducted by midlevel employee in small business, and the top level employees make decision.

Level of Satisfaction using a 5 point scale with current operator

Overall Satisfaction Variable Overall Satisfaction Level
Network Coverage Very satisfied
Network Quality Very satisfied
Innovation Somewhat Satisfied
Tariff Somewhat Dissatisfied
VAS Somewhat Satisfied
Call centre servives Somewhat Satisfied
Customer Realations Centre Services Somewhat Satisfied
Billing Somewhat Satisfied
Advertisements Very satisfied
Keeping Customer Inmormed

1st minute pulse Very satisfied

Very satisfiedFeatures Somewhat Dissatisfied

Findings: People are more concern with packages and prices when they go for new connection.

Negative Comments:

Positive Comments

About GrameenPhone

GrameenPhone Ltd. has been established to provide high-quality GSM cellular service at affordable prices. GrameenPhone has a dual purpose:

Ø  To receive an economic return on its investment

Ø  To contribute to the economic development of Bangladesh where telecommunications can play a critical role.

Historical Background:

GrameenPhone Ltd. was offered a cellular license in Bangladesh by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications on November 28, 1996. The Company launched its service on March 26, 1997, on the Independence Day of Bangladesh.

In 1996, Bangladesh was preparing to auction off private cell phone licenses to four companies. So at the behest of Dr. Muhammad Yunus (Grameen Bank's founder) but completely independent of Grameen Bank, a not-for-profit private company called Grameen Telecom was created. Grameen Telecom, in turn, created a for-profit company called GrameenPhone Ltd., found a foreign partner, and put in a bid; GrameenPhone received one of the four licenses. GrameenPhone's total capitalization was US$120,000,000, including around US$50 million from IFC/CDC, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It also received US$60 million in equity from the four GrameenPhone private partners. These were the Norwegian Telenor with a 51% share, Marubeni of Japan with a 9.5% share, and the American Gonophone at 4.5%. GrameenPhone's fourth partner is Grameen Telecom (with 35%), and Grameen Telecom borrowed US$10.6 million from the Open Society Institute to set up Village Phone.

GrameenPhone launched service in urban Dhaka on March 26, 1997. It makes its profits by serving wealthier urban customers. But from the point of view of the Grameen family and its strong anti-poverty mission, the for-profit, urban-only GrameenPhone exists for only one reason: To fund, with its profits, the extension of cell phones into rural Bangladesh in order to provide entrepreneurial opportunity to Grameen Bank members through Village Phone. As Dr. Yunus puts it, "GrameenPhone is merely what we need to do Grameen Telecom's Village Phone."

"GrameenPhone" might have been born in Bangladesh, but soon it is likely to join the international cellular jargon. GSM MOU Association at GSM World Congress in Cannes where many villagers made their first-ever call using pre-paid, recently rewarded rural cellular marketing, by Vodaphone in South Africa. "GrameenPhone," the unique cellular operator from Bangladesh, also made an impressive presentation at Cannes.

Founding Partners of GrameenPhone

GrameenPhone is a joint venture company comprising of:

  • Tele nor – A state-owned telecommunication company from Norway. It has a long history of successful cooperation with other operators in Russia, Hungary, Montenegro, Ireland, Bangladesh, Greece, Germany, Germany, Australia, Malaysia etc.
  • Grameen Telecom – A sister concern of Grameen Bank. It was established by Grameen Bank to organize and assist those Grameen bank borrowers who wish to retail telephone services in the rural areas.
  • Marubeni Corporation – A leading investment and trading company from Japan.
  • Gonofone Development Corporation – A New York-based telecommunication development company having investments in many companies in USA, Russia.

These four companies owned shares of GrameenPhone in the following manner:

Company Percentage of share (%)



Grameen Telecom


Marubeni Corporation




But recently the share structure has changed as two minor shareholders sold their shares to other two major shareholders.

TelenorAS, is the leading Telecommunications Company of Norway listed in the Oslo and NASDAQ Stock Exchanges. Right now it owns 62% shares of GrameenPhone Ltd.

Grameen Telecom, which owns 38% of the shares of GrameenPhone, is a not-for-profit company and works in close collaboration with Grameen Bank.

Company Percentage of share (%)



Grameen Telecom


The shareholders of GrameenPhone contribute their unique, in-depth experience in both telecommunications and development. The international shareholder brings technological and business management expertise while the local shareholder provides a presence throughout Bangladesh and a deep understanding of its economy. Both are dedicated to Bangladesh and its struggle for economic progress and have a deep commitment to GrameenPhone and its mission to provide affordable telephony to the entire population of Bangladesh.

Telenor has played a pioneering role in development of cellular communications. It has substantial international operations in mobile telephony, satellite operations and pay Television services. In addition to Norway and Bangladesh, Telenor owns GSM companies in Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Thailand and Malaysia. It has recently started a mobile phone operation in Pakistan. Telenor uses the expertise it has gained in its home and international markets for the development of emerging markets like Bangladesh.

Grameen Bank, the internationally reputed bank for the poor, has the most extensive rural banking network and expertise in microfinance. It understands the economic needs of the rural population, in particular the women from the poorest households. Grameen Telecom, with the help of Grameen Bank, administers the Village Phone Program, through which GrameenPhone provides its services to the fast growing rural customers. Grameen Telecom trains the operators, supplies them with handsets and handles all service-related issues. Grameen Bank currently covers more than 51,000 villages which are serviced by 1326 bank branches (December 04) all over the countryside. At the end of the year, the bank had 3.78 million borrowers, 95 percent of whom were women. Grameen Telecom's objectives are to provide easy access to GSM cellular services in rural Bangladesh, creating new opportunities for income generation through self- employment by providing villagers with access to modern information and communication based technologies.

Mission, Vision, Objectives & Strategies of GrameenPhone

Company Vision:

"To be the leading provider of telecom services all over Bangladesh with satisfied customers, shareholders and enthusiastic employees".

Company Mission:

GrameenPhone Ltd. aims at providing reliable, widespread, convenient mobile and cost effective telephone services to the people in Bangladesh irrespective of where they live. Such services will also help Bangladesh keep pace with other countries including those in South Africa region and reduce her existing disparity in telecom services between urban and rural areas.

Objectives of GrameenPhone

GrameenPhone's basic strategy is coverage of both urban and rural areas. The Company has devised its strategies so that it earns healthy returns for its shareholders and at the same time, contributes to genuine development of the country. In short, it pursues a dual strategy of good business and good development.

Serving the mass market is one of GrameenPhone's primary goals. By serving the general public as opposed to niche markets, the Company plans to achieve economies of scale and healthy profits. At the same time, service to the general public means connectivity to a wider population and general economic development of the country. In contrast to the "island" strategy followed by some companies, which involves connecting isolated islands of urban coverage through transmission links, GrameenPhone builds continuous coverage, cell after cell. While the intensity of coverage may vary from area to area depending on market conditions, the basic strategy of cell-to-cell coverage is applied throughout GrameenPhone's network. In addition, GrameenPhone has positioned itself to capitalize on the declining prices of handsets, making its goal to serve the general public realistic.

Company Strategy:

GrameenPhone's basic strategy is coverage of both urban and rural areas. GrameenPhone builds continuous coverage, cell after cell. While the intensity of coverage may vary from area to area depending on market conditions, the basic strategy of cell-to-cell coverage is applied throughout GrameenPhone's network.

Company Service:

GrameenPhone believes in service, a service that leads to good business and good development. Telephony helps people work together, raising their productivity. This gain in productivity is development, which in turn enables them to afford a telephone service, generating a good business. Thus development and business go together.

Service for the Rural Poor:

Establishing a nation wide network gives fair access to all geographical areas. From a business point of view, this strategy serves both the long distances as well as the rural markets. This emphasis on rural coverage brings a much-needed infrastructure in the underdeveloped rural areas. In collaboration with Grameen Bank, which provides micro-credit only to the rural poor, GrameenPhone utilizes the bank borrowers to retail telecom services in the rural areas. Leveraging on Grameen Bank borrowers reduces the distribution costs of GrameenPhone's rural services, contributing to the profitability of this segment.

By bringing electronic connectivity to rural Bangladesh, GrameenPhone is bringing the digital revolution to the doorsteps of the rural poor and unconnected.

Organization Structure of GrameenPhone Ltd.

Village Phone Program:

The Village Phone Program has continued its rapid growth. This Program began from a social commitment made by the shareholders of GrameenPhone that "good development is good business". The program is implemented by Grameen Telecom (GTC) in cooperation with Grameen Bank, the internationally renowned micro- credit lending institution.

The program facilitates women borrowers of Grameen Bank to the GSM technology through the village phones. They become effectively mobile public call offices. This not only provides rural poor with new, exciting income-generating opportunities, but it also helps to enhance the social status of women from poor rural households.

Village Phone works as an owner-operated pay phone. It allows the rural poor who cannot afford to become a regular subscriber, to avail of the service with loans from Grameen Bank. The loan usually is for BDT 12,000 and pays for a handset, the subscription and incidental expenses. The Village Phone operator receives training from Grameen Telecom about mode of operation, user charges etc.

Initiated in 1997, the Village Phone Program has continued to grow at a robust pace over the years. As of August 2005, there are more than 165,000 Village Phone subscribers.

The average revenue per user (ARPU) of Village Phone subscribers is doubles that of the average GrameenPhone business user. The revenue growth has been significant over the years. Beginning with BDT 0.53 million in 1997, the figure has risen to BDT 1,114 million in 2002 and to BDT 2,070 million at the end of 2003.

The Village Phones in operation now provide access to telecommunications facilities to more than 60 million people living in rural areas of Bangladesh.

This unique venture has gained widespread global recognition and has been featured extensively in international media. The success of the program won it the "GSM in the Community Award" given by the GSM Association in 2000. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton also lauded the innovative Village Phone Program during his visit to Bangladesh in the same year. According to some research studies, the introduction of Village Phone has made a tremendous social and economic impact in the rural areas, creating a "substantial consumer surplus" for the users.

One of the studies was jointly conducted by JahangirnagarUniversity and the Center for Development Research at the University of Bonn in Germany. The other study was conducted by the TeleCommons Development Group (TDG) of Canada for the Canadian International Development Agency. "The Village Phone Program yields significant positive social and economic impacts, including relatively large consumer surplus and immeasurable quality of life benefits, The consumer surplus from a single phone call to Dhaka, a call that replaces the physical trip to the city, ranges from 264 percent to 9.8 percent of the mean monthly household income. The cost of a trip to the city ranges from 2 to 8 times the cost of a single phone call, meaning real savings for poor rural people of between BDT 132 to BDT 490 (USD 2.70 to USD 10) for individual calls," noted the TDG multi-media case study on the Village Phone Program."

Contribution to Society:

GrameenPhone believes that good business leads to good development, since high level of productivity is development. The activities of GP contribute to the socio-economic development of Bangladesh in many different ways.

In addition to employing nearly 1500 people, more than 100,000 people are directly dependent on GP for their livelihood, including the people working for the dealers, agents, contractors, suppliers, and a major portion of that figure includes the Village Phone operators.According to the International Telecommunications Union, the Geneva-based UN body, the addition of each new telephone in a developing country like Bangladesh, adds USD 2,500 to the country's GDP.

The Village Phone Program of GrameenPhone is a unique initiative which provides access to telecommunications facilities in remote rural areas where no such service was available before. The Program enables mostly poor village women to own a Village Phone subscription and retail the phone service to her fellow villagers while providing them with a good income-earning opportunity. It is administered by Grameen Telecom in cooperation with Grameen Bank, the internationally renowned micro-credit lending institution.

Set up in 1997, the Village Phone Program has continued to grow at a robust pace over the years. By the end of 2004, the number of Village Phone subscriptions stood at 95,000, in 61 districts. The average earning of a Village Phone Operator is about BDT 5000 per month, which is more than twice the per capita income.
GrameenPhone also actively participates in promoting different socio-cultural activities and sports events in the country. It sponsored many activities over the years including the Zainul-Quamrul International Children's Art Competition, the 11th Asian Art Biennale, publication and launching of an anthology of contemporary Bangladeshi paintings, the Independence Day '04 Photography & Painting Exhibition, and many other activities.

Moreover, GP has also restored the exterior of the historic OldRailwayStationBuilding in Chittagong as per its original architectural design. It has sponsored a scholarship fund for the poor and meritorious students of the Finance and Banking Department of Dhaka University in cooperation with the Finance and Banking Alumni Association. GP has also donated 16 computers to two schools for underprivileged children.

In the sports arena, GP is currently sponsoring the Bangladesh National Cricket Team for a period of two years through 2003-2005, and also sponsored the National Under-19 and Under-17 cricket teams. It was also one of the main sponsors of the Live telecast of "ICC World Cup Cricket 2003. GP also sponsored the President Cup Golf Tournament, and sponsors the visits of newspaper reporters abroad to cover major sports events.

Coverage Map:

Coverage Map

Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat of GrameenPhone Ltd.


  • GrameenPhone covers 61 districts, which is 59% of the total Bangladesh land area
  • GrameenPhone's growth rate is over 100%/ year.
  • GrameenPhone covers 63% of the market share which is the highest among the operators
  • Good Owner Structure
  • Availability of Backbone Network (Optical fiber)
  • Financial Soundness
  • Market Leader
  • Brand Name / Grameen Image
  • Skilled Human Resource
  • Largest Geographical Coverage
  • Good Human Resource and Infrastructure Installation all over the country through Bangladesh Railway and Grameen Bank.
  • Access to the widest rural distribution network through Grameen Bank
  • High Ethical Standard


  • Lack of co-ordination is used as an excuse not to solve problems
  • Too much inside out thinking in the company
  • Different departments not working together
  • Inadequate interconnection with BTTB
  • Public relations not up to the mark
  • Complicated tariff structure
  • Billing System can't handle sophisticated billing
  • No long-term Distribution/Channel strategy
  • SMS platform has insufficient capacity
  • High employee turnover
  • Advertising is not too creative


  • Economic growth of Bangladesh.
  • New and better interconnection agreement
  • Huge need for telecom services
  • Increased intentional activities in Bangladesh
  • Declining prices for handsets
  • Future privatization of the fixed network
  • New international gateway
  • Demand for inter-city communication
  • Growth in other operator will give more connection
  • Tele density is still low comparing to other countries


  • More rigid government regulations
  • More influence of competitors on the fixed network
  • Change of government might lead to competitors having more clout
  • Devaluation of Taka
  • National catastrophes
  • Sabotage of installation
  • Non-co-operation of government and fixed PSTN (Public Service Telephone Network).
  • Risk of fire in GRAMEENPHONE's Installations
  • Price war
  • Non-availability of funds
  • BTTB has limited capacity for interconnections
  • BTTB and two foreign cellular phone companies (Airtel and Reliance India Mobile) are launching their mobile phone operation in Bangladesh.

Competitive Environment:

GrameenPhone is to compete mainly with three other mobile operators. Of them Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Ltd. (City Cell) uses the CDMA technology while AKTEL and Sheba Telecom are competing with same technology (GSM) as GrameenPhone. The competitive environment that GrameenPhone is placed into is shown in the following tables:

Operator Technology

Date of Launching


Equipment Supplier

No. of Subscribers

(Early 2006)City CellCDMAAugust-9350%-pacific        Group

50%-Far EastTelecomMotorola6,50,000GrameenPhoneGSMApril-9751%- Telenor 35%-Grameen Telecom


4.5%- GonofoneEricsson61,00,000AKTELGSMNovember -9760%-Telcom


40%- AktelAlkatel14,00,000Bangla LinkGMS2000Orascom TelecomHawaii15,00,000TeleTalkGMS2005—

Mobile operators of Bangladesh at a glance

At present, GrameenPhone has got 62% of the total market share; which is expected to increase at the end of 2006. The numbers of subscribers of GrameenPhone are expecting to be doubled or 11 million by 2006.

Figure: The BCG growth-share Matrix:

As GrameenPhone is holding the highest market share and it also has the highest increase rate then any other competitors. That's why we can say that GrameenPhone is a star now; with it's large market share and rapid growth rate.

Figure: Product life Cycle of GRAMEENPHONE:

Though it is said that GrameenPhone in it is maturity level. But as we know the target market still not yet fulfilled so we can say that it has position somewhere in between growth and maturity level.

Integrated Marketing Communication:

Like every other company it also has a target market. But the target market has changed time to time according to the growth of the company. When Grameen was introduced to the Mobile market in the country, people use to have a different perception about mobile phone. They thought it was meant to serve the higher class of the society. But Gradually Grameen has changed the preconception of cell phone, as it introduced the service with a fraction of a cost of the competitor.

GrameenPhone basically segmented the market on the basis of demography. At first when it was introduced, it targeted the higher income and upper middle class of the society. It has implemented two of the components of Demographic segmentation to extract its customers from the mass population. Even after all these years, GRAMEENPHONE still follows the two components of demographic segmentation to cover the whole market.

It must be mentioned here that, GRAMEENPHONE has launched various types of packages to reach different types of customers. As for example, it is using GRAMEENPHONE Regular Package to target the people of higher income level and the upper middle class of the society. Prepaid service was introduced to serve the mass population regardless of their age, location and income level.

Situational Analysis


GrameenPhone Ltd. is a multinational cellular mobile telecommunication company engaged in an ambitious project of bringing the whole Bangladesh under its coverage area by the year 2003. The company is first to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh. GSM that stands for Global System for Mobile Communication is a fully digital system standardized only in 1992. Here the term digital system means the data in air interface representing control signal and voice signal are in digital form.GrameenPhone was awarded license to operate as a mobile telecommunication service provider in Bangladesh on 28th of November 1996. It officially launched its network on 26th of March 1997 and went into commercial operation on 15th of April of that year with 7 based stations on air.

Products of GrameenPhone:

The products of GrameenPhone can be characterized as:

  • Post Paid
  • Pre-Paid

Post Paid:

GP Regular is a post-paid product with BTTB (Local, NWD and ISD) connectivity. User can connect to all mobiles and BTTB lines. It has network mobility feature, with which user can move around throughout the country with GP mobile phone (within GP coverage). The activation time for the new GP Regular subscription is 72 hours (minimum). The ISD facility is activated only after address verification by GP authority (mentioned in the subscription form).

Tariffs and Charges:

  • All tariffs are subject to change without assigning any reason
  • 15% VAT applicable to all Airtime charges, monthly fees & BTTB charges

Monthly Fee



Friends & Family (24 Hrs.)

Mobile to Mobile

Mobile to BTTB


8am-8pmOff- Peak

8pm -11 pmSuper off-peak

11pm -8amPeak

8am-8pmOff- Peak

8pm -11 pmSuper off-peak

11pm -8amFrom MobileFrom BTTBTk. 1.5/min. for 3 GP nos.Tk. 350Tk. 4Tk. 3Tk.2Tk. 4/min. + BTTB Local/ NWD/ ISD chargeTk. 3/min. + BTTB Local/ NWD/ ISD chargeTk. 2/min. + BTTB Local/ NWD/ ISD chargeFree1st 5 min. free & Tk. 1/min. from 6th min. onwards


  • 30 sec pulse in the 1st min
  • 15 sec pulse after 1st min
  • During Friday, 24 hours Off-Peak rate applicable
  • For ISD & NWD calls: BTTB's Peak (8am – 10pm) & Off-peak (10pm – 8am) rate will be applicable for BTTB charge

GP National is a post-paid product with mobile-to-mobile connectivity and BTTB incoming facility. User can make and receive calls to and from all mobiles (within GP coverage area). It has network mobility feature, with which user can move around the country with GP mobile phone (within GP coverage area). The activation time for the new GP Regular subscription is 72 hours (minimum). The ISD facility is activated only after address verification by GP authority (mentioned in the subscription form).

Tariffs and Charges:

  • All tariffs are subject to change without assigning any reason
  • 15% VAT applicable to all Airtime charges, monthly fees & BTTB charges

Monthly Fee



(24 Hrs.)

GP – Any mobile



Off- Peak

8pm -11 pm

Super off-peak

11pm -8am

From mobiles


Tk. 150

Tk. 4/min.

Tk. 3/min.

Tk. 2/min.


1st 5 min. free & Tk. 1/min. from 6th min. onwards

Tk. 1.5/min to 3 GP nos.


  • 30 sec pulse in the 1st min
  • 15 sec pulse after 1st min
  • During Friday, 24 hours Off-Peak rate applicable

'Anytime 500' is a post-paid product with BTTB (Local/NWD/ISD) connectivity. Anytime 500 offers a monthly 500 minutes (billed duration) of talk-time free of charge. It has the network mobility feature, with which user can move around the country with GP mobile phone (within GP coverage). The activation time for the new Anytime 500 subscription is 72 (minimum) hours. The ISD facility is activated only after address verification by GP authority (mentioned in the subscription form).

Tariffs and Charges:

  • All tariffs are subject to change without assigning any reason
  • 15% VAT applicable to all Airtime charges, monthly fees & BTTB charges

Monthly Bundle Fee



GP to any mobile after first 500 min Mobile to BTTB
Within 1st 500 mins After 1st 500 mins From Mobile From BTTB
Tk. 1,500 Tk. 3/min Tk. 0/min + BTTB Local/ NWD/ ISD charge Tk. 3/min + BTTB Local/ NWD/ ISD charge Free 1st 5 min. free & Tk. 1/min. from 6th min. onwards


  • No Monthly Access fee
  • 1 sec pulse from the 1st min
  • During Friday, 24 hours Off-Peak rate applicable (after 1st free 500 mins.)

Benefits of Anytime 500

  • Enjoy first 500 minutes (billed duration) of talk-time per month free of charge.
  • 1 second pulse from the very first minute.
  • No monthly access charge

This phone offers the subscribers to call any phone within the country as well as all over the world. This subscription has BTTB connectivity, NWD & ISD where first 1600 minutes (Billed Duration) per month FREE (Outgoing voice calls only). Within first 1600 minutes, if any subscriber calls to any B.T.T.B. number, then GRAMEENPHONE's airtime charge will be FREE, but the subscriber has to pay the BTTB charges. There are monthly bundle fee of Tk. 5000 and monthly access fee.

Tariffs and Charges:

  • All tariffs are subject to change without assigning any reason
  • 15% VAT applicable to all Airtime charges, monthly fees & BTTB charges

Monthly Bundle Fee



GP to any mobile after first 1600 min Mobile to BTTB
Within 1st 1600 mins After 1st 1600 mins From Mobile From BTTB
Tk. 4,000.00 Tk. 3/min Tk. 0/min + BTTB Local/ NWD/ ISD charge Tk. 3/min + BTTB Local/ NWD/ ISD charge Free 1st 5 min. free & Tk. 1/min. from 6th min. onwards


  • No Monthly Access fee
  • 1 sec pulse from the 1st min
  • During Friday, 24 hours Off-Peak rate applicable (after 1st free 1600 mins.)

This phone offers the subscribers to call any phone within the country. This package is designed for the users who need good network support and all time quality airtime. GrameenPhone adds a mini BTS support for this package. Each package includes 96 connections and the price of each connection if BDT 30,000.00. The monthly minimum payment for each connection should be BDT 25,000.00 and if the uses cross the minimum amount, then the higher amount is to be paid by the user.

Tariffs and Charges

  • All tariffs are subject to change without assigning any reason
  • 15% VAT applicable to all Airtime charges, monthly fees & BTTB charges
  • Billing rate is negotiable,


  • 1 sec pulse from the 1st min

The Business Solutions will offer a suite of specialized products and services providing complete communication solutions for professionals, small to medium-sized enterprises and large corporations, enabling them to increase their efficiency, productivity and gain a competitive edge. This package includes

  • Voice Calls.
  • International Roaming.
  • Close User Group (CUG).
  • Friends and Family Package.
  • Call conferencing.
  • Call Diverting.
  • Call Baring.
  • Call waiting.
  • SMS.
  • SMS Plus.
  • Voice SMS.
  • Voice Mail.
  • MMS.
  • Cell E-mail.
  • SMS Banking.
  • SMS Information Service.
  • Mobile Phone Profiling.
  • EDGE.
  • Mobile Data Service.
  • Mobile Fax.
  • Mobile Internet.
  • E-Phone.
  • Dedicated Customer Service and Etc.

Business Solutions is a high quality and fully integrated telecommunications service from GrameenPhone, especially designed for the business entities of Bangladesh. As the largest and most customer centric telecommunication service provider in the country, it provides customer oriented and customized telecommunications solutions through a highly consultative approach.

Optional Features:

  • International Roaming: It will enable user to make and receive calls using the same GP-Regular number, while user are outside the country (Visit roaming page for detail information).
  • Friends & Family: It will enable user to call up to three GP numbers (activated as Friends & Family) for only Tk.1.5/min for 24 hrs.
  • Caller ID*: It allows GP subscribers to view the caller's ID before answering the call.
  • Call Waiting: It enables user to receive a second call while users are online with another call. When call waiting feature is activated (on handset), user will be usually notified by a short beep sound. User can then either reject the second call or put the first caller on hold, talk to the second caller and then return to the first call.
  • Call Conference: It allows user to make up to 5 calls (max) at a time and connect all the calls to make a conference call. This feature is handset dependent.
  • Call Divert: It allows user to divert the incoming calls to any mobile number or BTTB number.
  • Call Barring: It allows user to restrict any unauthorized use of mobile phone by imposing restrictions on certain types of calls (incoming and outgoing). This feature is handset dependent.

Value Added Services:

  • SMS (Short Message Service): With this service, user can receive and send Text Messages (a maximum of 160 characters per message) to any other GP or CityCell mobile and to foreign operators' (international) mobiles as well (conditions apply).
  • How to activate SMS: The GP Short Message Service Centre (SMSC) number is +88 017 0000 600 and it is by default stored in SIM card. If handset is configured with any other SMSC number, then please reset SMSC number as +88 017 0000 600.
  • SMS Push-Pull Services: With Push-Pull service, user can enjoy more than 160 contents (Ex: Usage Info, Payment Status of last bill, Sports news, Emergency numbers, Restaurants, Airline and Railway timing, travel info etc.).

For example, to know the contact numbers of taxi cab companies:

  • Go to the message option of handset
  • Write 'taxi'.
  • Send the SMS to 2000.
  • User will receive the list of taxi cab company numbers in return.
  • Voice Mail Service (VMS): VMS works like an answering machine. When user is not available or outside the coverage area or simply busy, the caller can leave a message in voice mail box, which user may listen or retrieve at convenience.

How to Activate VMS:

  • Please call GP Customer Relations Hotline 122 (24 hrs) to activate Voice Mail Service.
  • After activation (min 72 hrs), user may divert the incoming calls to 100 (voice mail box number).
  • To listen or retrieve voice mail, dial 101 from mobile phone.
  • User can also record customized welcome message. For details, please call GP Customer Relations Hotline (122) from mobile phone or follow the instructions by dialing 101.
  • Fax and Data: This service enables a GrameenPhone subscriber to send/receive fax and data through their handsets by connecting to a PC/Laptop. Currently, this service is offered to corporate clients only.
  • Wireless Application Protocol (WAP): This is a tool to access WAP-enabled information from the Internet through GP mobile phones. User can also access yahoo e-mail account through GP WAP service.
    How to Activate WAP:
  • Visit GP Customer Relations Center with the subscription form (Subscribers Copy).
  • Sign the GP-WAP form.
  • Customer Relations Division will activate SIM card with Data Facility (minimum 72 hours).
  • Require a WAP enabled handset to avail the service.
  • News Service (2221/2222): This is a news broadcasting service jointly provided by Prothom Alo and The Daily Star. A subscriber can call 2221 (Bengali)/2222 (English) from his/her GP mobile phone and listen to the latest news highlights.
  • Channel-I Program Schedule (2525): 2525 is a Channel -I Program schedule service. A subscriber can dial 2525 from his/her GP mobile phone and listen to Channel I program (daily) highlights.
  • Channel-I GP Information Services (2626): 2626 is Channel -I and GP information service whereby a subscriber can avail information on news, events of the day, transport schedule and horoscope.
  • Event Based Sports Update (2002): This is an event based Sports Update service. In respect to special sport's events (For ex. international and national Cricket events). GrameenPhone updates the latest news, which can be accessed by dialing 2002.
  • Iftar and Sehri Timing (1515): During the month of Ramadan, a subscriber can listen to the timing of Iftar and Sehri in Dhaka and adjacent areas.

Pre Paid:

Easy Gold is a pre-paid product with BTTB (Local, NWD and ISD) connectivity. User can connect to all mobiles and BTTB lines. It has the network mobility feature, with which user can move around the country with GP mobile phone (within the GP coverage area). Easy Gold Prepaid SIM card is by default activated. To start using the phone, at first, charge GP Easy Gold Prepaid account with an Easy Scratch Card.

Tariffs and Charges:


Incoming My EASY
(24 Hrs.)
My Time

Mobile to Mobile

Mobile to

Peak 6am-12am Easy Hour 12am-6am
GP to GP GP to other mobiles BTTB Local/ISD BTTB NWD
Peak 8am-12am Easy Hour 12am-6am Peak 8am-12am Easy Hour 12am-6am From Mobile From BTTB
Tk. 4.40 Tk. 4.80 Tk. 3 Tk. 4.80/min. + BTTB charge Tk. 3/min. + BTTB charge Tk. 4.80/min. + BTTB charge Tk. 3/min. + Tk. 3/min. (Flat) Free Tk. 2/min. from 2nd min. onwards Tk. 3/min. to 1 GP no.Tk. 3/min. to 1 GP no. Tk. 3/min. to any GP no.


  • 30 sec pulse in the 1st min
  • 20 sec pulse after 1st min. (for mobile to mobile)
  • For BTTB outgoing (ISD) the pulse is 30 sec after the 1st minute. For NWD calls pulse is 60 sec.after 1st min.
  • For ISD calls: BTTB's Peak (8am – 10pm) /Off-peak (10pm – 8am) rate will be applicable for BTTB charge.Easy Pre-paid is a pre-paid product with mobile-to-mobile connectivity. User can make and receive calls to and from all mobiles (within GP coverage) using EASY Pre-paid. It has network mobility feature, with which user can move around the country with GP mobile phone (within GP coverage). : Easy Prepaid SIM card is by default activated. To start using the phone, at first, charge GP Easy prepaid account with an Easy Scratch Card.

Tariffs and Charges:



(24 Hrs.)
My Time
Easy Hour
12am – 6am
GP to GP GP to other mobiles
Tk. 4.40 Tk. 4.80 Tk. 3 Free Tk. 3/min.
to 1 GP no.
Tk. 3/min.
to any GP no.


  • 30 sec pulse in the 1st min
  • 20 sec pulse after 1st min

djuice is a pre-paid mobile to mobile product. In addition to the basic cellular options, it has some additional lifestyle benefits, specially tailored for the target segment.

Tariffs and Charges

Tk 0.80/pulse

With 20 sec pulse throughout djuice offers improved affordability

  • Call any djuice number during Peak hours only @ Tk 0.80/pulse
  • Call any mobile during Peak hours only @ Tk 1.55 /pulse
  • Call any mobile during Off-Peak hours only @ Tk 0.66 /pulse.

Peak hours – 6 am to 12 am, Off-peak hours – 12 am to 6 am

SMS only @ Tk.1

  • djuice to djuice or djuice to GP @ Tk 1/SMS
  • Push Pull content- Tk 1.5/SMS
  • Premium Content- Ringtone and Logo @ Tk 10
  • Aktel, CityCell & Banglalink @ Tk 1.5/SMS

Also enjoy first 50 SMS to any djuice or GP number absolutely free.

  • All tariffs are subject to change without assigning any reason
  • 15% VAT applicable to all charges

Optional Features:

  • My Easy (will enable user to call one GP number for only Tk.3/min for 24 hrs).
  • My Time (will enable user to call any GP number for only Tk.3/min form 6 am to 9 am or 1 pm to 4 pm))
  • My Choice Will enable user to call any GP number for only Tk. 4.50/min.

Free Supplementary Features:

  • Caller ID: (It allows GP subscriber's to view the caller's ID before answering the call).
  • Call Divert: It allows user to divert the incoming calls to voice mail box.
  • Call Conference: This feature allows user to connect 10 people within a single conference call. The participants can be living miles apart, they may have different types of phones, but call conferencing will bring them together. One person can add a maximum of four people in a conference call.
  • Call Waiting: It enables user to receive a second call while user is online with another call. When Call Waiting feature is activated (on handset), user will be usually notified by a short beep sound. User can then either rejects the second call or put the first caller on hold, talk to the second caller and then return to the first call. User can keep a maximum of three callers on hold while making another call.
  • Call Forwarding: It allows user to forward the incoming calls to any mobile number if user is not within the GP coverage area or do not want to receive the call.
  • Call Barring: This feature gives user the option of restricting different types of calls. User can choose to bar all incoming calls, all outgoing calls, or all international calls. Using this feature, user can protect cell phone from unwanted usage.

Value Added Services

  • SMS (Short Message Service): With this service, user can receive and send Text Messages ( with a maximum of 160 characters per message) to any other GP mobile and to foreign operators' (international) mobiles as well (conditions apply).

How to activate SMS

The GP Short Message Service Centre (SMSC) number is +88 017 0000 600 and it is by default stored in SIM card. If handset is configured with any other SMSC number, then please reset SMSC number as +88 017 0000 600.

  • SMS Push-Pull Services: With Push-Pull service, user can enjoy more than 160 contents (Ex: Sports news, Emergency numbers, Restaurants, Airline and Railway timing, travel info etc.).

For example, to know the contact numbers of taxi cab companies:

  • Go to the message option of handset
  • Write 'taxi'
  • Send the SMS to 2000
  • User will receive the list of taxi cab numbers in return
  • Voice Mail Service (VMS): VMS works like an answering machine. When user is not available or outside the GP coverage area or simply busy, the caller can leave a message in Voice Mail box, which user may listen to or retrieve at convenience.

How to Activate VMS

  • Please call at GP Customer Relations Hotline 121 (24 hrs) to activate Voice Mail Service
  • After activation (minimum 72 hrs), user may divert the incoming calls to 100 (Voice Mail box number)
  • To listen or retrieve voice mail, dial 101 from mobile phone
  • User can also record customized welcome message. For details, please call GP Customer Relations Hotline (121) from mobile phone
  • Fax and Data: This service enables a GrameenPhone subscriber to send/receive fax and data through their handsets by connecting to a PC/Laptop. Currently, this service is offered to corporate clients only.
  • Wireless Application Protocol (WAP): It is an advanced intelligent messaging service for digital mobile phones which allows the user to browse the Internet in text format to get access to useful information and other services. User can also access YAHOO e-mail account through GP WAP service.

How to Activate WAP

  • Visit GP Customer Relations Center with the subscription form (subscribers copy)
  • Sign the GP-WAP form
  • Customer Relations Division will activate the SIM card with Data Facility (minimum 72 hours)
  • Requires a WAP-enabled handset to avail the service
  • News Service (2221/2222): This is a news broadcasting service jointly provided by Prothom Alo and The Daily Star. A subscriber can call 2221 (Bengali)/2222 (English) from his/her GP mobile phone and listen to the latest news highlights.
  • Channel-I Program Schedule (2525): 2525 is a Channel -I Program schedule service. A subscriber can dial 2525 from his/her GP mobile phone and listen to Channel I daily program highlights.
  • Channel-I/GP Information Services (2626): 2626 is Channel -I and GP information service whereby a subscriber can avail information on news, events of the day, transport schedule and horoscope.
  • Event Based Sports Update (2002): This is an event-based Sports Update service. In respect to special sport's events, for example, international and national Cricket events. GrameenPhone updates the latest scores, which can be accessed by dialing 2002.
  • Iftar and Sehri Timings (1515): During the month of Ramadan, a subscriber can listen to the timings of Iftar and Sehri in Dhaka and adjacent areas by dialing this number
  • Cell E-mail : Cell E-mail is a state-of the art Technology which offers e-mail service through SMS. It possesses almost all the aspects of standard webmail and most importantly it is compatible with almost all GSM handset. Thus providing a way to use email to the subscribers who don't have access to Internet. Inforev Limited a local ICT solution Provider company is providing the solution on behalf of GrameenPhone Ltd. Experience the ultimate email service with Cell E-mail on cell phone:
    • Send email to any email account on this earth using very own GP cell phone.
    • Be a proud owner of a globally accessible identity user will be able to retrieve email(s) sent to Cellemail address from anywhere on the globe.
    • Mail inbox check & management facility.
    • Mail read facility (maximum 3 x 160 characters).
    • VIP email ID facility with automated notification of email arrival.
    • Block email ID or Domain extension
    • Reply/forwarding facility.
    • Address book.
    • Signature.

My Choice:

Type of call

Peak Hour(8am to 12 am )

EASY Hour(12 am to 8am)

GP to GP calls



GP to other mobile operator calls



Incoming from mobile



GP to BTTB local and ISD

4.8 + BTTB charges

3+ BTTB charges


4.8 + flat 3/min

3+ flat 3/min

Incoming from BTTB



  • 30 sec pulse in the 1st min
  • 20 sec pulse after 1st min. (for mobile to mobile)

Sub-leasing of GP Fiber Optic Network capacity:

GrameenPhone Ltd. sub-leases the Transmission Capacity of its Fiber Optic Network, leased from Bangladesh Railway, commercially to the prospective business units/clients.

Policy of Capacity Sale:

  • FON Division (GP) will sub-lease capacity at E1 PCM level only and would not provide last mile connectivity. The Division (GP) shall refer all clients of channel level requirement either to Its Strategic Joint Venture (X-Net) or the Dealer /Agent (Ranks ITT).
  • GP (FON) would determine the selling price (highest) and the rate of discount to be given on the basis of volume and duration of contract of the E1 PCM.
  • X-Net and Ranks-ITT would sell capacity at channel level only providing Last Mile Connectivity (LMC). Choice of LMC provision and the price for the last mile connectivity shall be determined by X-Net and Ranks ITT.
  • Price of selling an E1 PCM shall be cheaper than selling at channel level.
  • FON (GP) shall arrange a common point of termination beside the GP Installations for E1 PCM customers, including X-Net and Ranks ITT.
  • FON (GP) would provide DC supply to FON customers subject to availability at a cost determined by GP for such power.

Features of GP Fiber Optic:

  • Nationwide coverage
  • Technical expertise
  • Robust network
  • Minimum downtime for non-protective circuits
  • Redundant Network option
  • Cost-effective
  • Right of way in the Bangladesh Railway Network
  • Public but yet private enough to give best negotiated prices
  • Best possible option available

Who can avail the service?

  • Small and Medium Enterprises, Industries
  • Bandwidth on Demand (SME, Corporate Houses, SOHO).
  • Dial up mobile Internet (Nationwide ISP)
  • Cable TV (Entertainment/ Education etc.)
  • Telemedicine (NGO, Medical & Healthcare Entrepreneur).
  • Terrestrial Video Broadcasting (Private TV Broadcasters).
  • Internet Exchange (ISP and VoIP licensees).
  • CallCenter (GSM, PSTN subscribers, Telco).

International Roaming:

International Roaming (IR) service enables a subscriber to use his/her own mobile number in foreign operators' networks and to enjoy the same facilities those operators provide to their own subscribers.

* Subject to International Roaming agreement between the Home operators and that particular Foreign operators.
About GP International Roaming

GrameenPhone has been offering International Roaming facility to its subscribers since March 1999. GrameenPhone is the first Cellular Operator providing this premium service to its valued subscribers and till today it is the only company offering International Roaming Service in Bangladesh.

While traveling abroad, a GP IR subscriber can use and enjoy all the operators' network coverage and other facilities (with whom GP has International Roaming Agreement). Subscribers of those Roaming Partner Operators' can also enjoy network coverage and facilities of GrameenPhone while visiting Bangladesh.

Currently GrameenPhone has 267 International Roaming partners with networks spread across 105 countries in 6 continents as of December 2005.GrameenPhone is a GSM 900/1800 network and most of its Roaming Partners have GSM 900 or 1800 networks. However GrameenPhone also has some GSM 1900, CDMA, 2.5G, 3G and other types of operators as Roaming Partners.

Outbound Roamer :

 GrameenPhone International Roaming facility:

  • Same mobile number for roaming in all the partner networks abroad
  • Roaming facility with over 200 operators' networks in more than 70 countries of six Continents.
  • No additional monthly access fee for availing IR service
  • Access to own Voice Mail box from abroad
  • Sending and receiving SMS
  • Different types of call restriction facilities
  • Free Itemized Bill

While roaming, user will be able to avail all the services that user enjoy in GP network; provided that the visited network operator offers those services to its own subscribers, and is specified in the roaming agreement.

After Sales Service:

GrameenPhone have the following After Sales Service for valued EASY Pre-Paid and EASY Gold subscribers at present:

  • In case a Phone/SIM card Lost or stolen
  • Reconnection (if the Lost or stolen phone/SIM card is found)
  • SIM Replacement
  • WAP facility

It is necessary to submit the original subscription form (subscriber's copy) to avail the After Sales Service for EASY Pre-Paid and EASY Gold subscription. Therefore, preserve the subscription form (subscriber's copy) in a confidential and secure place.

Special Services for corporate clients:

Business Solution: The Partner in Business

Business Solutions is a high quality and fully integrated telecommunications service from GrameenPhone, especially designed for the business entities of Bangladesh. As the largest and most customer centric telecommunication service provider in the country, it provides customer oriented and customized telecommunications solutions through a highly consultative approach.

What it offers, is a suite of specialized products and services covering all communication needs for professionals, small, medium-sized enterprises to large companies.

Comprising of modern mobile telecommunications services for any business needs, it provides voice services, messaging services and mobile data and internet services. It also provides a complete Mobile Office solution, including mobile e-mail, mobile high speed data access, internet access, mobile fax and more, giving user the freedom to work from anywhere they want to. People prefers Business Solutions because,

High Quality Network and Infrastructure :

Business Solutions operates on the GrameenPhone infrastructure which ensures high quality, high capacity, and highly reliable services. Combined with microwave and fiber optics, their network spans across Bangladesh ensuring the widest coverage and best quality transmission. In fact, they provide the best quality network service in the country for delivering voice and data services.

Dedicated Customer Care:

Grameen Phone has fully dedicated Customer Care service strives to look after customer's very specific needs. This means that their professional customer care team is available to help the business people seven days a week, 365 days of the year – whether for general queries, or to assist them with any problems they may possibly face.

Market Leadership – Trust and Reliability:

Grameen Phone is the Bangladesh's leading and largest telecommunications service provider. This achievement has been earned by being consistent in what GrameenPhone does, being customer-focused, offering the market what is exactly required and being available in the market when and where people want them.

They have also been totally focused on delivering on their promises to their existing and new customers. In short, they bring the benefits of market-leadership to their business customers.

Technological Know-how and Competence:

They have achieved market leadership because they have invested heavily in technology and maximized the efficiencies from its usage and delivery of services to their customers. They have also invested heavily in employing some of the best talents in Bangladesh to work in the various business units within the company. Combining the technology with their people, they've developed the expertise and know-how to effectively and efficiently serve their customers – in addition to enhancing the total telecom market.

Paving the road ahead:

Grameen Phone aims to take business to new heights. It helps user work smarter, faster and more efficiently than ever before. Business Solutions for professionals, entrepreneurs, small and medium sized companies.

Innovation for ever increasing competition:

Grameen Phone aims to help the business people turn-the-tide in business. It tries to give them the competitive edge to compete on equal ground with their competitors as well as the country's larger corporations. It also tries to give them more tools to enhance business providing greater efficiency and effectiveness in what they do. Finally it tries to give them opportunities to make more profits, faster.

Voice Services:

GrameenPhone offer the best of reliable, high quality and professional voice communications services allowing user to keep in touch from anywhere and anytime in Bangladesh. With  comprehensive network coverage and the wealth of technical expertise and experience user will be assured that business moves as fast as user want to.

Anytime Connectivity: All mobile numbers, fixed phone numbers and international numbers

International Roaming:Receive and call while traveling abroad

Closed User Group (CUG): Special tariffs for talking among company employees

Friends & Family (F&F): Special tariffs for 3 selected numbers

Call Conferencing: Connects up to 5 calls at a time

Caller ID: Shows who is calling user

Call Divert: Forwards call to any selected number

Call Barring: Bars incoming and/or outgoing calls to protect unauthorized use

Call Waiting: Holds three calls on wait while user is busy with a call

Be available and be able to communicate wherever and whenever user is.  With  network covering the entire country, user can be connected to all mobile phones and fixed phone numbers. User can also call and receive international calls anytime, anyplace. Designed for frequent travelers, the international roaming services extend the reach of mobile phone to over 100 countries.  With agreements with over 260 overseas GSM networks, GrameenPhone will ensure user is never far from business or customers.

Cost-effective Tariffs:

  • Call to any mobile at cost-effective tariffs. Price plans are specially made for business users utilising low business hour tariffs
  • Enjoy savings while calling numbers within company with the CUG service. Special lower tariffs for company employees provide discount when user make calls within a defined company group.
  • Enjoy special tariffs for 3 special numbers (F&F) of choice 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Call Management Services:

Get the advantage of  complete call management services. Call waiting features will ensure user never miss a call and, the call barring feature will also give user the option of restricting different types of calls. User can choose to bar all incoming calls, all outgoing calls, or all international call.

Participate in meetings wherever user may be through call conferencing. This service allows user to connect with 5 people at the same time with either a mobile phone or fixed phone into a conference call for efficient communication and time management.

Messaging service:

GrameenPhone offers different messaging services for smarter, faster and more efficient use of information and communication. Advanced and cost-effective messaging services will help user to communicate instantly on the go and in an affordable way.

Others Features:

SMS (Short Message Service): Send short text messages with up to 160 characters to any mobile phone

Voice SMS: Send voice messages from mobile phone to mobile phone (up to 30 seconds duration)

Voice Mail Service (VMS): Stores up to 10 voice messages for 72 hours when user are unable to take the call, including voice mail alert via SMS

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service): Customise message with pictures, animation, music, video clips and text messages  (up to 100 KB)

Cell E-mail: Send and receive e-mail through SMS among GP users and PC

Advanced features

SMS Plus: Receive and update information with SMS reporting tool from group of employees

SMS Banking: Updated information of bank account from Standards Chartered Bank, BRAC Bank, Bank Asia and Lanka Bangla

SMS Information Services: Updated news, currency updates, directory services and more.

Mobile phone profiling: Download Corporate Logo, ring tones and Wall papers

Make communication fast and affordable with short message service (SMS). User can send an SMS to any mobile phone in Bangladesh and also send international SMS to the GSM subscribers in more than 100 countries. Send personalised voice messages through voice SMS to other GrameenPhone numbers at low cost. Let mobile phone attend to the call when user is busy. The voice mail service stores the voice messages of incoming calls in personal mail box when user is either unable to take the call, busy on another call or the phone is turned off. User will get an alert message and can listen to the voice mail when user is ready. Enjoy the exciting way of sharing messages. With MMS user can customize message with a variety of content like pictures, audio and video clips, animation, music and text. User can also instantly share audiovisual business information like (e.g. flowchart) with MMS.

Enjoy the flexibility to send and receive e-mails through SMS to other mobile phones or PC

Benefits of advanced messaging services

  • Use SMS Plus to view and update official report everyday.
  • Enhance corporate profile by installing company logo and corporate tunes as ring-tone on all employees' phones.
  • Be updated – anywhere, anytime with SMS Information Service. Access the latest news, bank account information or mobile bill updates through mobile phone. Use directory services to find the phone number user wants, the company address of different companies, hospitals and taxi services.

Internet and data services:

GrameenPhone offers a selection of Mobile Office data and internet services ranging from high speed data access (enabling fast access to the Internet), e-mail services and other data services through computer or mobile phone. With Mobile Office user can enjoy the freedom to work anywhere with access to e-mail and information wherever user is.

EDGE Connectivity: An advanced mobile technology which enables high-speed data access over the mobile network

Mobile Data Services: Transfer/share data over mobile network, access remote servers, access Internet from PC.

Mobile E-mail: Send and receive e-mail, attachments and files and update calendar entries through mobile phone

Mobile Fax: Send and receive faxes through any remote fax machine using mobile phone.

Mobile Internet: Access mobile internet sites for fast information updates.


  • Business people can have the freedom to work anywhere user likes. The Mobile Office solution comprises of mobile e-mail, mobile data access, Internet and mobile fax services which gives user the flexibility to move the office with user!
  • Stay connected anytime, anywhere by having access to all information using EDGE.
  • Connect computer to the mobile network and remotely access office systems and browse the Internet. Link computer to the mobile network via a data-cable, Bluetooth or Infrared to enjoy unprecedented flexibility in information transfer.
  • Connect computer to the mobile network using an EDGE data card to have seamless data access, wherever user is.
  • With mobile data services user can download files during meetings, get online when user is on the go, or e-mail reports from a hotel room
  • Enjoy the freedom to work anywhere with mobile e-mail. User can send and receive e-mail, attachments and files through mobile phone, and also manage meeting and calendar entries.
  • Send and receive faxes through any remote fax machine by using mobile phone. This service provides user with a mobile fax number where user can receive faxes which can be retrieved from any available fax machine.
  • Access a number of mobile internet sites such as Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, Google, MSN, News Services, Travel Information, Sports Updates plus many more. User can also receive telephone calls even while browsing the mobile internet.

Dedicated customer care services:

GrameenPhone strives to take care of all telecommunications needs. The dedicated relationship managers are assigned to provide personalized service right from the beginning of the relationship.


Product migration: Migration of existing subscriptions over to Business Solutions

Itemised billing: Call details including information such as date, time, duration and charge of any voice calls made

Pre-paid invoice: Itemised bills for pre-paid subscriber accounts

Number reservation: Provides flexibility to reserve phone numbers from a particular series for current and future employees (quantity  dependent)

Customer support team will assist user with the following services:

  • Provide company with overview of all company's subscriptions and mobile users.
  • Provide user with an overview of all mobile usage and decide billing options (e.g. itemised billing, pre-paid invoicing)
  • Make all the necessary arrangement to subscribe service/s (without physical presence in the customer service centre.
  • Add new users to account or create new Closed User Group (CUG) for special call rates.
  • Stay connected anytime, anywhere by having access to all information using EDGE.
  • Set up of additional features such as mobile data access, mobile e-mail etc.
  • Take care of any specific queries user may have, or responding to any special needs for assistance.

The Business Solutions Customer Services aims to provide quality customer service to the country's preferential business customers. A professionally trained team is dedicated to provide After Sales Services and Solutions customized to the need of the business customers and initiate pro-active visits as a part of routine contact to look into the needs with an aim to build long-term professional relationships.

Business Solutions is a high quality and fully integrated telecommunication service from GrameenPhone, especially designed for Bangladesh's business customers. GrameenPhone offers various service packages as a complete business solution to fulfill the various communication needs of business entities.

Business Solutions dedicated Customer Care service strives to look after very specific needs. This means that professional customer care team is available to help user seven days a week, 365 days of the year – whether for general queries, or to assist user with any problems user may possibly face. The dedicated relationship managers are assigned to provide personalized service right from the beginning of the relationship.


The Corporate segment has been given identified as a potential sector to flourish in the Bangladesh economy. Like other countries of the world, this segment is also becoming very important in contributing to national income. The country basically depends on this sector to provide enough power in the national economy to run at a minimum level.

Recognizing this powerful sector, which represents most of the business enterprises of the country, GrameenPhone has put enough emphasis to cater this segment by dividing them in business sectors. Among this segment, the Corporate Clients has been defined as the prime group having comparatively the highest buying power. GP will provide some certain benefits and follow some structured process to tap this segment. If done successfully, GP will ensure a more loyal customer base, with a higher number of sales and ARPU with the maximum number of mobile phone concentration per organization. It will also put a positive impact on reducing bad debt by introducing bank guarantee system. The most important point for GP would be that effectively utilizing this segment will enable GP to maintain and increase the current market share in the mobile telecommunication market. To cater the Preferred Client segment, GP will develop the newly recruited human resources along with the current personnel by equipping them with proper training and working tools and will be placed in different zones according to plan. They will be offered attractive incentive package apart from the regular remuneration to ensure maximum performance. GP is heading towards a brighter future by targeting the preferred clients along their glorious path of meeting the telecommunication need of the corporate business segment of Bangladesh.  This endeavor will open up a new prospect for the company as this segment represents a huge number of premium business customers of the country.

Corporate Clients

Gp Business Solution Package Call Rate


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