Should Kids Be Invited to a Baby Shower

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Baby Shower Etiquette (kids/no kids)?

I was just wondering what typical baby shower etiquette is on the subject of children being invited/not invited. Any responses would be greatly appreciated :)

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I would love for ppl to bring their children (aslong as they know manners)! It's a baby shower not a wedding!!


It depends on what kind of shower you're having traditionally it's just women and children don't come. If you're having a co ed shower everyone is invited.

i actually dont want children at my shower, for several reasons....from being a guest at past baby showers; the kids are wild, running all over the place, trying to open gifts, parents really dont do anything, and just an overall distraction. it will be coed tho, i am asking my guests to bring a date of the opposite sex for a few games i have planned.

I had 4 kids at mine. All girls ages 4

Months, 10 months,4 and 5 and they were fine

All of the showers I've ever been to kids were invited. Maybe it's a regional thing?


Depends on the type if shower. If it is more formal then maybe not, if it's more casual then it's probably ok. If I was going to a shower though I wouldn't want to bing my kids a. I wouldn't want to have To constantly keep an eye on them rather than enjoy the shower and b. I wouldn't want them to disrupt the party.


I don't have the option to not take my kids everywhere. Plus if I'm being invited and assumed to bring a gift for someone else's child, I see no reason my kids can't go. Assuming the kids can behave of course. Anyone who wouldn't allow my kids to celebrate the birth of theirs wouldn't get a gift from me :)

I've only been to showers where kids were invited.

I think its really just your preference. For my female shower we didn't invite kids because we have 30 adults invited and having kids along with that would be chaos. But the co-ed work shower at my husbands work will have children. But it is also in a much larger space.

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Should Kids Be Invited to a Baby Shower


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