Put on Contacts Pic Art Put on My Clothes

Everyone knows the importance of good branding when it comes to your business organization—only what virtually building a personal brand that's associated with you every bit an individual? Never underestimate the power of personal branding—when done right it tin can be your nearly valuable asset.

personal branding illustration
Personal branding can be your super ability. Illustration by OrangeCrush.

But how do you create a successful personal brand?

This article is going to evidence you the secrets of personal branding and walk yous through the steps you need to have if y'all want to create an outstanding personal brand for yourself.

Let'south start with a definition of what personal branding actually is all about:

What is personal branding?

Personal branding is what shapes the perception of an individual in the optics of the public. Personal branding is all about edifice your reputation, creating an image of yourself for the outside globe and marketing yourself every bit an individual. Essentially, your personal brand is the story that'south told about you when you're not in the room.

We've merely sent y'all your first lesson.

It may experience a fleck uncomfortable to think of yourself as a make. But the truth is that anybody already has a personal brand. What practise people say about your work? What adjectives practise they employ to describe y'all? Are they positive or critical?

Your story is too being told online. What's being said about yous in the virtual infinite? You have a choice to actively manage your brand or get out it to hazard.

Building a personal brand intentionally volition allow you to tell your story as yous want information technology to exist told, to establish yourself equally an expert and leader in your field and to connect with your customers and clients beyond your products and services lonely.

Personal brand examples

There are some characters in the earth of business who are larger than life. They've mastered the fine art of personal branding and they know exactly who they are and what makes them unique.

Personal brand example: Screenshot of Gary Vaynerchuk's website
 Gary Vee (Vaynerchuk) is a great example for a successful personal brand built around him as an individual

A prime example for an expert in personal branding is Gary Vaynerchuk, who successfully brands himself as Gary Vee, the brash businessman who tells it like it is and isn't afraid of self-promotion or voicing his opinions loud and articulate.

Personal brand example: Screen shot of Marie Forleo website
Marie Forleo's whole business is congenital effectually her quirky personal brand. It lives on marieforleo.com and she even has Marie Forleo Television receiver.

Another great instance is Marie Forleo's personal brand, which is built effectually her own quirky personality and motivational, supportive attitude. Her personal brand is beautifully designed, has an accurate feel and is all most encouragement for female person entrepreneurs.

Examples of outstanding personal brands are everywhere—and the mode an individual chooses to shape their personal brand depends on what prototype they desire to create and what they want to accomplish. Recall Oprah. Richard Branson. BeyoncĂ©. Gordon Ramsay. Personal branding can exist extremely diverse.

Look at near any successful Youtuber, blogger or business person with an online fan base and you'll see that their personal brand plays a major role in their success. Information technology's their personality that makes them approachable, trustworthy and memorable. Their businesses are congenital around them every bit a person, which makes their concern and person literally inseparable. Personal branding is their biggest asset.

So, how exercise you actually get about building a personal brand? Here are the 5 steps you need to retrieve about:

1. Understand why you're edifice a personal brand

Okay, so it'due south articulate that you demand a personal brand if you want to be successful. Simply how exactly is it going to help you? What are your specific reasons for wanting to create a strong brand? Getting clear about what yous're trying to achieve with your make volition assist you map out the steps to go in that location.

Personal branding for freelancers

Personal brand example: Screen shot of Freelance to Win website
Daniel Margulies congenital a personal make every bit a freelance copywriter making six figures on Upwork so successfully that he now doesn't even do freelancing anymore and coaches other freelancers on how to make more than money!

As a freelancer working on a project-to-project ground, a personal brand is absolutely disquisitional. Your personal brand volition assist raise awareness that you lot exist and volition build brownie and trust so that more than clients seek out your services. Ultimately, a strong personal brand ways that clients will come up to you instead of you having to hustle to find them—saving y'all time and money.

Personal branding for entrepreneurs & business organization owners

As a business organisation owner, you should already be edifice your business organization brand. Your brand strategy will include your overall purpose and your values, the benefits that your make stands for and how you're different from your competition, too equally tangible elements like your logo and the colors and typography found throughout all of your materials. But backside your business make in that location'southward likewise a personal brand.

Look at Richard Branson. He has 11.3 1000000 followers on Twitter—compare that to the Twitter accounts of his properties Virgin Atlantic (556K), Virgin Galactic (171K) and Virgin Media (225K). Every bit he declares on his profile, he is a "tie-loathing adventurer, philanthropist & troublemaker, who believes in turning ideas into reality." Branson uses his personal brand to back up his unlike ventures and to go people to buy into his companies.

Personal brand example: Screen shot of Richard Branson's Twitter profile
Richard Branson is notorious for his fun-loving mental attitude, his passion for what he does and his belief in work-life residue for himself and his employees.

People are naturally interested in other people and their stories. They want to know why y'all prepare your business in the first place, what you stand for and what talents and quirks y'all bring to the tabular array. Cultivating a stiff personal make will humanize your business and permit y'all to develop stronger relationships which will lead to broader exposure.

Every bit an entrepreneur, y'all're also likely to start more than one business over the years. Your electric current business venture may fail (hopefully not!) and you may sell your shares and move on to your adjacent projection—merely your personal brand lives on.

2. Take control of your P.I.E.

Blueberry and blackberry pie with a piece missing
A succulent P.I.E.: Performance, Image and Exposure. Via Erol Ahmed.

Unfortunately working hard or having great ideas is rarely enough these days. No matter what y'all do or what your goal is, the hole-and-corner is to be in control of your P.I.E.: Functioning, Prototype and Exposure. All three pieces of your professional P.I.Eastward. need to work in your favor if you desire your personal brand to succeed.

Functioning is fundamental, of grade. You lot need to deliver quality results in your work. Epitome is about what other people think of you—it's your personal make! And the final piece, Exposure, is about making sure that people know who you are and what yous stand for (I'll show you how, below).

Attempt to figure out where you can improve: practice yous evangelize tiptop results, only your image isn't smashing? Is your image fine, but yous're defective exposure? You lot demand to pay attention to all three for the all-time results.

3. Observe your make story and create your make framework

Classical columns holding up a ceiling
A strong story is built on core foundational pillars that together support the overall objective behind your personal branding efforts. Via Dogancan Ozturan.

Before you beginning telling your story, you demand to work out what that story will be. What do you desire to be known for? What will make you stand up out against your competition? Information technology'southward important that you develop a deep understanding of your brand personality and personal brand identity.

A personal make framework, or story, consists of a number of primal elements:

Brand purpose

What is your overall purpose, your 'why'? Why practice you get upward in the morning and go to piece of work? What is information technology that you're ultimately trying to achieve? This could exist professional success or helping or supporting others with your product or service.

Core values

Brands are more than and more value driven today and your personal make must be even more so. What do y'all want to stand for? What do you value about of all in your personal and professional person life? Creativity and innovation? Integrity and respect? Subject field and dependability? Try to come up with five cadre values.

Brand benefits and reasons to believe

A brand needs to be clear virtually the functional and emotional benefits it delivers to its customers. When it comes to your personal brand what are the difficult and soft skills that you bring to the table? What are your unique strengths? Hard skills are applicable things similar (in my case) writing, coaching and mentoring, public speaking, workshop facilitation, business organisation strategy, branding and marketing. Soft skills are attributes like self-motivation, forcefulness, independence, quick thinking and open mindedness.

Next, yous'll want to consider the evidence you have to support those claims. What awards and accolades do you have? What qualifications or client testimonials? Brand a listing of all of your degrees, awards, credentials, testimonials, prominent media appearances and cardinal examples of your piece of work (i.e. a YouTube channel with your best speaking engagements or a professional blog that features your top writing examples).

Tangible branding elements

Finally, a brand will always have tangible elements like a make proper noun, logo, colors and fonts—your brand design. What are the tangible elements of your personal brand?

Online, this will include the colors and blueprint elements you apply on your website and social networks. Many freelancers who build a brand off of their name also get a personal logo design to use on business cards, their website, etc. Offline, personal branding encompasses your concrete appearance including your grooming, the clothes you vesture and how yous speak, as well as whatsoever memorable personality quirks!

Creating a personal brand framework

An example of a personal brand framework
Just like a business make, your personal brand framework considers your overall purpose and values as well as the means in which you bring them to life through daily exercise. Via Anna Lundberg.

Create your own personal brand framework (you tin can follow the format of mine or create your ain format), print it out and stick it up where yous can encounter information technology. Every bit you would with a business organization brand, you lot can at present use this personal branding framework to guide all that you do, bringing your online and offline personal brand in line with your all-time self.

What sets your personal brand apart?

At present consider your brand story and framework in comparison to everyone else in your chosen field. What's special about you? Why should someone choose to work with you instead of your competitors?

Companies ofttimes call this their "USP", their Unique Selling Point and information technology's particularly of import in a crowded industry. Are you the just one in your industry with a sense of sense of humor? Do you have a unique perspective or special skill that no one else has to offer? Your personal branding should clearly demonstrate what makes y'all dissimilar and put your USP front and center.

iv. Appraise your personal brand every bit it stands today

Now that you have created the story that you desire to tell, permit's accept a look at the story that'southward currently being told today.

What does Google say?

How would you lot go about finding out more about someone? Y'all'd Google them, right? It's pretty standard. In fact, 70% of employers use Google to check y'all out while 70% review your social media profiles every bit part of the hiring process.

This is officially an excuse to Google yourself! What comes upwardly start? Is information technology your personal Facebook profile or your LinkedIn page? Click on the Google images tab: which photos practice y'all see—are they pics that you want professional contacts to see?! Do you lot fifty-fifty show up at all or are the search results dominated by someone else with your name?

If the moving-picture show that's being presented on Google is far from the professional epitome yous desire to project, or if yous're non appearing at all, then you take some work to exercise!

Personal brand example: A google search for anna lundberg
When I starting time started managing my personal make—equally I was quitting my job dorsum in 2013 and considering next steps—Googling my proper name would bring upwards the fifteen-year-old victim of a car crash forth with a Swedish university professor. As yous can see, I still have a TV presenter there on the correct to contend with! Via Anna Lundberg.

What story are you telling on social media?

Now allow'south review your social media profiles and meet what story you're telling there.

Facebook is oft the biggest culprit. Your profile might be total of rants about some injustice against your local team or drunken photos with the guys at a sports bar. Maybe you complain about having to go to work with a huge hangover every Monday forenoon or yous post lots of cat videos. What about those flirtatious group selfies when you're out with the girls? Now is the time to consider the image that might form in the minds of prospective clients, partners, investors or employers when they see these pictures and updates.

Consider setting up a separate page for your business persona and limit your existing Facebook contour with strict privacy settings. That way, merely your closest friends and family will see your selfies and rants. (Or, better withal, keep them to yourself!)

The other big one is LinkedIn. Is your contour up to appointment? What's the message coming through in the recommendations and in any updates? What kind of content are you liking and commenting on? An out-of-date and inactive—or super negative—profile doesn't make a great impression.

What would a prospective employer or client recall of you based on what they find online? Repeat this assessment of all of your social media profiles and brand a notation of any changes yous'd like to make. Read more virtually social media branding here.

How do you come up across IRL?

When information technology comes to your offline presence, it'southward a little harder to assess what story you're telling.

Effort request your colleagues, friends, business organisation associates and one-time clients how they'd describe you lot if they were to recommend you to someone—meet if they mention the central points that you want to be pushing.

Pro tip: don't endeavor to be someone you're not, almost people take a sixth sense for inauthentic behavior. Personal branding works best when you're existence authentic and not trying to play a office yous recall you should be playing.

It's also useful to take an honest expect at your physical appearance. Are your article of clothing and accessories (this includes any tattoos or piercings) appropriate for the audience you're trying to appeal to? Y'all may non think looks matter, but people nevertheless brand a snap judgement about you lot in the outset moments of coming together yous. What do y'all want their takeaway to exist?

5. Share your brand story with the world

Now that you know how you look to the world today, y'all can begin bringing your new story to life.

Just it's not just about what you say, information technology'due south how you say it. Be sure to create an appealing look and feel and use a consequent brand voice on any platform you're active on. Forth with your words and actions that'south what going to convey your personality and create a complete paradigm of who you lot are.

An example LinkedIn profile
A professional person photo, a compelling headline and a carefully crafted summary volition ensure that your LinkedIn contour attracts the right kind of attention. Via Anna Lundberg.

Learn to love LinkedIn

There are so many different social networks out at that place, simply for the professional person globe LinkedIn is the chosen land. Hither are some quick tips:

Invest in a professional photo

Information technology's worth investing in good photos—at least asking the services of a friend who has a proper camera if you don't want to spend any money. You need skilful lighting, a neutral background and a nice smile! No pouty duck faces or badly cropped wedding pics delight.

And, while we're at it: whenever yous upload a photo of yourself, brand sure it'due south optimized for search (e.thousand. anna-lundberg.jpg).

Customize your headline

Come on, you're and so much more than "freelancer" or "side-hustler"! Consider using your lift pitch—y'all take ane, correct?—or at least its central points to capture all that y'all can do.

And if you're an employee, don't lean on your job title. Instead, utilize words that illustrate the core responsibilities of your job. If you're trying to start a business or looking to change career tracks you'll want to apply linguistic communication that will help yous ignite the process of moving toward that new direction.

Write a compelling summary

The summary section is the first thing people will see afterward the championship and it'south a prime number spot for incorporating the key elements of your personal make framework. This is your opportunity to permit the reader know who y'all are and to pique their interest so that they dig into the balance of your profile.

The summary should exist written in commencement person ("I work with…"). Think about who you're talking to and your key messages. Highlight your biggest achievements and if necessary explain any gaps or deviations that might non otherwise brand sense in your professional person trajectory. Try to provide a call to activity, like your e-mail address so you tin can easily be contacted.

Elaborate on your work experience

Task titles alone don't say as well much, and then exist sure to keep to tell your story through each of the positions or projects that yous note on your profile. Highlight fundamental responsibilities and achievements that back up your chief message (remember that "credibility" piece from your brand framework in #2).

Get recommendations from by employers

Testimonials and reviews are great for edifice brownie and trust. Don't be shy about request people explicitly—fifty-fifty giving them some examples of the kind of things you'd like them to mention. People usually won't write something unless you ask.

Add your key skills

Make sure that your most important skills and strengths are included in the skills section. Y'all can besides shuffle them around so that the three most critical skills appear at the top.

Select your social networks of option

You won't have time to actively manage every single network that'southward out at that place so choose carefully. Think about who yous are, what type of business or manufacture you're in, and who your clients are.


Personal brand example: Screenshot of Guy Kawasaki's Twitter profile
Guy Kawasaki is a top influencer on Twitter. Note that he has pinned his tweet well-nigh his latest online course. With 1.5M followers, he must be doing something right!

Use that professional picture yous've had taken and make sure that your Twitter bio captures your story (call back that peachy example from Richard Branson?) and that your tweets are consistent, likewise. Add a bit of personality, though, as simply sharing industry articles can get a chip dry! You can pin a key piece of content to the top of your profile to make certain that it's the first affair peoples meet when they land on your contour (instead of your random tweet about the hot guy yous saw on the train this morning).


Personal brand example: Screenshot of Joe Wicks' Facebook page
Joe Wicks, aka The Torso Coach, has built a post-obit of two.7M million on his "public figure" page thanks to his regular Facebook live workouts, YouTube videos and other engaging content. Notation that his personal brand is front end and centre here.

Creating a specific Facebook page for your professional person connections is  a good thought if you lot'd like keep your private life private. Yous can choose an "author" page or "public effigy." Brand certain that your 'Almost' section is completed, yous've linked to your website and you've got a high-quality profile picture and embrace image. You can (and should!) let your personality smoothen through here but keep a professional tone and build a page that would make your grandma proud!


Holding a phone about to do a live video on Instagram
There's no point in setting upward an Instagram account if you hate taking photos and don't similar sharing insights into your lifestyle publicly. Likewise at that place'southward no indicate in getting into Facebook Live if you feel uncomfortable on video or building your brand on Snapchat if your target audition is in an older age subclass that doesn't use it. Via Hans Vivek.

If you're a creative person, or you're passionate about food, beauty, mode, and so on, and so a more visual platform similar Instagram can exist a great mode to build your personal brand in a cute way. Again, make sure that your bio captures the essence of your story and that your pins and posts support that story.

Create a personal website

If you desire to go serious about building your brand yous need to create a website. It doesn't have to exist fancy—it just needs to look attractive and professional person and take your bio, your CV and your contact details, with links to your social network profiles. But y'all can have information technology to the next level with additional data, materials, manufactures and a newsletter—at that place'southward no limit to what y'all tin do!

You lot tin set up a basic site using a website architect or you can create something more sophisticated with a custom web design. No matter which route you make up one's mind to have, get a custom domain name (www.janesmith.com rather than world wide web.janesmith.wordpress.com) and become someone to proofread all the copy for you, especially if you're non a native English speaker (that goes for all online platforms!).

Oh, and while we're on domains: Delight, please, Delight don't utilize a Hotmail address for professional person contacts. It'south embarrassing. Really. Gmail is the standard these days so at minimum you lot should become something like janesmith@gmail.com. Information technology'due south fifty-fifty amend if you can secure your own domain name e.chiliad. hello@janesmith.com—oftentimes you lot can get this along with your website.

And once you've done all this great work to update your profiles and platforms you'll want to make certain that they evolve with you. Be sure to bank check in now and and so and keep your profiles updated.

6. Build your personal make's online presence

You lot've sorted out all your social profiles and then that they're upwards to date and telling the correct story. Crawly! But while it's nice to accept this basic online presence, if you stop there no ane'due south going to know that you lot exist. To brand real connections you need to exist actively engaging with real people.

Screenshot of starting a new story on Medium
To really tell your story, you lot'll need to offset creating content. It can exist as simple as sharing your perspective on a hot industry topic or giving an insight into the 'behind-the-scenes' of your business. Via Anna Lundberg.

Create relevant content

You can start that process by sharing and commenting on other people'southward content that is consistent with your personal brand values and messages. A graphic designer would do well to like a LinkedIn article that promises 7 killer tips for logo design or to add together her perspective to a folio titledMust-have skills for any graphic designer—merely should probably avert getting sucked into long controversial threads on the policies of the current POTUS. (That concluding ane goes for all of us!)

In one case you're comfortable with this kind of interaction, you tin start creating and publishing your ain content. It's completely up to yous which format you choose. If you love writing then adding a blog to your personal website could be a good idea, or you could write articles on Medium or LinkedIn. This will also aid y'all show up higher in search rankings. If y'all're a bit of a chatterbox, why not effort podcasting or vlogging?

Maybe y'all prefer to hide behind a photographic camera, in which instance sharing your cute photographs on Instagram might be the best fit for you. You may accept to become out of your comfort zone and larn a new skill, just yous'll be surprised at how fast y'all improve with a bit of consistent practice.

Don't forget good onetime networking

Throughout all of these processes, be sure to stay in touch with existing contacts, talk to strangers at conferences and other events and look for opportunities to speak and share your content. A lot of people find networking uncomfortable but information technology'due south really merely talking to people—and yous can definitely do that! Wait for means in which you can add value and help others and you'll discover that people will do the same for you.

seven. Pursue a personal branding strategy

Finally, whichever formats and platforms yous cull, whatever content you lot create and put out at that place, be sure to do so with intention. Each web log post you lot write, each tweet you send, adds another piece to the puzzle that is your personal brand. Your personal branding strategy is the bigger picture of the brand you lot want to build.

Having a strategy will keep you lot on rail and ensures you'll finish up where y'all desire to go. It's your vision and roadmap that everything you lot do should to fit into.

Now it's time to take the steps to ensure that the paradigm people end up with is the prototype y'all want for your personal make! Want more branding tips? Here's how to create a great brand identity for your business.

Need help designing your personal make?
Our designers can create the perfect look for you.

This article was originally written in August 2018, information technology has been updated with new images and information.


Source: https://99designs.com/blog/tips/personal-branding/

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